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We can do more working together than we can working alone. Become a member and join with other non-profit organizations in improving the lives of the people of Paterson. 

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Uniting nonprofit and community partners to create a vibrant Paterson. We strive to improve collaboration between members, to be inclusive and build a culture where everyone feels respected, included, and valued.

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Starting a Non-Profit


bottom 3Have a cause you’re passionate about? See our online, step-by step-guide to properly setting up your non-profit organization. Includes downloadable forms and links to additional information.

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Results 1 - 4 of 4



1. 4CS of Passaic County, Inc.

“Our mission is to assist families in obtaining high quality child care that is available, accessible, and affordable”

2. First Step Alliance

Our mission is to help advance successful reentry and economic mobility by increasing access to the financial education and affordable banking services people need to achieve sustainable financial well-being.

3. Girl Scouts of Northern New Jersey


4. Greater Paterson OIC

Paterson, NJ