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Uniting nonprofit and community partners to create a vibrant Paterson. We strive to improve collaboration between members, to be inclusive and build a culture where everyone feels respected, included, and valued.

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Starting a Non-Profit


bottom 3Have a cause you’re passionate about? See our online, step-by step-guide to properly setting up your non-profit organization. Includes downloadable forms and links to additional information.

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Results 1 - 5 of 5



1. Families For Families

Dedicated to Helping Families in Need
Nonprofit organization dedicated to providing support to children of parents who died as a result of gun violence More Info

2. Girl Scouts of Northern New Jersey


3. Greater Paterson OIC

Paterson, NJ

4. Kintock Group

Quality, Integrity, and Accountability in community corrections.Kintock works to create a bridge between supervision and community.
Kintock is dedicated to preventing and reducing crime. Kintock develops & provides transitional services to assist clients in making and sustaining transformative changes. Provides offenders with support in their transition back into the community. More Info

5. Lead Acquire Do Inspire

To empower women of all ages through the eight dimensions of wellness. We are committed to nurturing a culture of sisterhood, confidence, and personal growth, creating safe and supportive environments where every woman can find fulfillment.
Newark, NJ